Sajan Josan Apps

Meditation sound 2.0
Sajan Josan
Meditation and Learning Sounds is createdforthose who work hard to Achieve something his LifeAdditionally, though, many of us live in very urbanenvironmentswhere hearing natural sounds is rare. I believe thatcontact withthe sounds of nature fulfills a deep need for a senseofconnectedness to the natural world, and that recordings ofthosesounds can help fill that need.and Learning sound is toIncreaseyour focus in study.○ How it works ○• Create your environment by selecting meditation sounds.• Sit or sleep naturally into a meditative state.• Learn with best sounds by selecting Learning sounds.• Sit in chair and start learning with best sounds.• Set timer to stop sounds automatically.• Repeat steps over whenever you needed.♦ FEATURES ♦√ Meditation and Learning sounds.√ Timer system to set a duration.√ Beautiful interface with with high quality images.√ Play your sounds in background.↓ TIPS FOR MEDITATION ↓→ "Meditation should not be a torture. It must be fun!Startsmall. Five to ten minutes a day is a great start!"→ While meditation is beneficial at any time, most peoplewhomeditate agree that early morning is the best time tomeditate.Part of the reason is that it is said that in earlymorning thehustle-and-bustle of the world has not yet begun and soit iseasier to establish a meditative atmosphere. Having anearlymorning meditation also lets us carry some of the energy andpeaceof the meditation into our daily activities.→ There is absolutely no need to control your thoughts.Wheneveryour mind wanders off, simply bring your attention back tohearing.You will find that once you start to hear your innersounds,gradually the mind will cease its activities.↓ WHAT IS INNER SOUND ↓→ Sound, in general, is the most apparent medium to calmthemind. Therefore, at times the inner bliss is experienceduponlistening to music. This type of music is generated throughsomeexternal source like a stringed instrument or an electronicdeviceor through the vocal cords of a living being. Sounds createdbyexternal sources can be perceived by the mind via physicalears.For example, the moment we hear a bark, we can easily identifythesource of sound i.e. it’s from a dog. Similarly, whenever welistento a music track, we would come to know which singerperforms.However, there is an ‘Inner’ sound; in fact, as if, notexactly asound, which is said to be coming from nowhere; i.e.,without asource, the one which has no origin or source and has nolimit tobe ceased as well.Since the evolution of human world, many great Saints andSagesnarrated of listening to this mysterious sound during theirampleSilence of meditation. Several Holy Scriptures, have spoken ofitby various names like Aum, Hu, Word, Shabd, Tao’s Hum,Amrit,Anahad, Nada and the list goes on and on. Many of thespiritualtexts have described it too by using analogous stories andmusicalpoetry. In recent time, a large volume of scientific studyis alsobeing carried out about this and in the years to come,scienceperhaps would also arrive at this all-pervadingSoundCurrent.Inner Sound here simply implies a sound that is coming fromwithin.To listen this, the practitioner withdraws his/her attentionfromall of the external sounds in the sensory plane and focusesdeeplyon the sound coming from within. In order to contact theInnerSound, the practitioners usually plug their ears with theirthumbor some kind of stop-cocking instrument like rubberearplugs,earphones, cotton buds etc.↓ Here are the Top 10 Benefits of the Inner SoundMeditation:↓1. Increase in concentration/focus2. Increase in observation power3. Living in the present moment4. Getting lesser thoughts5. More control over anger6. Better understanding in relationships7. Decrease in attachments8. Increase in compassion and love9. Quitting of addictions like smoking and drinking10. Increase in energy.
Change OS 1.0
Sajan Josan
This app can help you to how to installeverynew operating system in your pc or smart phones